Mountain View Space Management Space Management module is a centralized property information system for space, employee and assets through intuitive visualization of the infrastructural appearance with breakdown of details to room and work-station level, designed to analyze organization's space utilization across multiple infrastructures and, fluently track employee and resources locations. It facilitates improved space efficiency to lower overall occupancy costs as it provide tools for automating the set-up, calculation, and reporting of space chargeback to help reduce occupancy Costs.


  • All-in-one repository of total information system for space and facility data through visual representation
  • Utilization based thematic colouring of Space highlighting space by division,department and space standard
  • Define space to the workstation level
  • Provision to record room finishes and conditions
  • Simplified configuration to map spaces, assets and assign attributes through import of data
  • Polylined areas link directly to the database for accurate space calculations
  • Display database information within the drawing, such as room numbers, size, department, employee or condition       with point-and-click data display of Space, Occupants, and Assets
  • Analyze organization's space utilization for efficiency across multiple infrastructuresand fluently track employee       resources locations
  • Ability to analyze space by size and function
  • Enable comparison of performance of facilities based on their classification
  • Tracking of occupied, unoccupied and vacant space
  • Ability to set up database to charge departments for the space occupied and apportion shared space
  • Employ unified method for calculating space chargeback for both rooms and groups, with combinedreportingon        bothlayers with a drill-down approach to ascertain project cost
  • Intuitive summaries as dashboards and drill-downs for each process owners of specific businesses/entitiesofthe        organization and space hierarchies
  • Rights based access privilege for each end user
  • Provision to commission and decommission buildings and properties to add real estate information for acquisition        date, price, building type and capacity
  • Provision to add additional building information for mechanical systems, electrical systems, etc

    Training is the inherent component of implementation. To ensure the smooth operation of the system, we conduct training program imparting knowledge necessary to fully utilize your software solution.


    TEFMO Software Solutions Private Limited
    No. 50, 1st Floor, Ramaswamy Street, Sri Devi Karumariamman
    Nagar, Valsaravaakkam, Chennai - 600087, India
    Tel: +91 44 4262 4206